25 August 2021
Cricket in the Community Starts for 2021/22
With the start of September only a week away and Summer rapidly approaching, cricket sessions in local schools have begun!
Last week, before lockdown began, the Canterbury Cricket participation activators started their in-school awareness delivery, with support from local Christchurch clubs. These sessions aim to introduce young people to cricket in a fun modified way – rather than in its traditional form – and provide information for their local, club-based programme.
Sessions consist of tagging-based warm-ups, basic skills such as throwing and catching, and modified cricket games which have been designed specifically for the year 3-4 age group. Participation Coordinator Rebecca Gillett highlights the importance of in-school awareness saying, “it is a great way to introduce young people to cricket and show them that cricket can be fast and fun”.

In addition, activators have engaged with Primary Sports Canterbury’s Development Series based at Northcote Primary School. This is a positive collaboration where students from Northcote Primary and two other local schools have an opportunity to learn skills and try up to 6 different sports (including cricket) over a 4-week block. Involvement in these programmes will allow Canterbury Cricket to engage with new communities and participants, hopefully resulting in growth in our game.
Rebecca and the Community Team can’t wait for the nation’s alert levels to drop so they can get back into the community and deliver cricket to Christchurch’s youth!